Tea: Addicted Or Not?



Greetings, everyone! In this post, we'll explore the potential for tea to become an addiction and discuss ways to mitigate it. If you find yourself drinking tea three to four times a day, you might be surprised to learn that you could be addicted. Tea contains natural stimulants, with one compound often associated with its potentially addictive nature. Rather than delving into the nitty-gritty of research and facts, which can be tedious and time-consuming, we'll take a more straightforward approach in this blog.


The core question we're addressing is whether we're truly addicted to tea. To help you determine this, we'll present some hypothetical questions. Your responses will be simple: either "yes" or "no" - "maybe" or "might be" won't cut it. After each question, award yourself either 1 point for "yes" or 2 points for "no." Let's get started.

Question 1:Do you consume tea 3-4 times a day? If your answer is "yes," grant yourself 1 point; if it's "no," give yourself 2 points.

Question 2:If you couldn't drink tea for three days, would that be acceptable to you, or would you experience laziness and a strong urge for tea? If it's the former, award yourself 2 points; if it's the latter, give yourself 1 point.

Question 3: Suppose you found a product with a similar taste to tea but with lower caffeine content, offering the same energizing kick. Would you choose this alternative over tea? If your answer is "yes," grant yourself 1 point; if it's "no," give yourself 2 points.

After these questions, it's time for the assessment. If you have a total of 3 points, it suggests that you may be somewhat addicted to tea, though the extent varies from person to person. This score indicates that you are aware of your addiction and might be ready to take steps to address it. If you tally up 6 points, it's excellent news. It either means you don't drink tea at all, or if you do, you're not heavily addicted to it.

For those seeking guidance on addressing this issue, a quick Google search will yield numerous methods to help you overcome tea addiction.

This post is all about prompting self-reflection. I hope you found this approach helpful. Signing off, Deepak Bhagtani. See you in the next blog!
